• 회사소개
  • 브랜드소개
  • 연구개발
  • 네오팜 소개 글로벌 네트워크 오시는 길
  • 아토팜 아토팜 제로이드 더마비 더마트로지
  • 연구소이야기 Skin Care 신약개발


Improving quality of life and developing new antibody medicine for treatment of diseases
Discovery of new antibodies using phage display technique
Conducting basic researches into the secured candidate antibody and discovering new antibody
Development of treatments utilizing the new antibody medicine of which the biological and pharmacological activities have been optimized (for oral administration and injection)
Evaluation of cell and animal based high throughput substances for new antibody/Implementation of the screening system
Discovery of new antibody utilizing the phage display
Development of a joint research system for the discovered antibody for global availability
Pursuit of commercialization for the newly developed antibody medicine and translational (cooperative) research on the newly developed antibody
Development of application/treatment for the newly developed antibody, Registration of patents, Technology transfer and Commercialization
Efficacy test on the newly discovered candidate antibody, and Implementation of mass production system
Evaluation of biological activities of the newly discovered candidate antibody, evaluation of toxicity and safety thereof, and Optimization
Training for professional manpower, Technology transfer
Development of medicine and substance to improve quality of life through the commercialization of the new antibody medicine
Early technology transfer of the outcome of the basic research, and implementation of the process system for the commercialization phase
Training of the top-level manpower who understand and perform all processes, from discovery to commercialization of antibody